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Butoh Correspondence Training

BCT was created in 2019. but we find an opportunity to start this training from May 2020. at the beginning of Pandemic. In times like this, it is important to stay active and create something great. This program was created by Cultural Center Nektan Art, as a part of Nektan Art performance study center program.

Butoh correspondence training is happening online, over e-mail, and zoom platform. The entire program was inspired by the method of Performance Art movement scores. The participants receive certain tasks daily (in form of Scripts, and audio files) that they do for themselves, in the way they know how (whenever they like - you can do exercises the next day or even next week, it's up to you). Once we organize live classes over zoom (but if participate can not come, they receive the video recording of the class). By the request, we can organize consultations via zoom, one on one. Module I of training lasts 30 days (first part of module a-d), and other modules are a little bit longer. The Working language is English.

The goal is to motivate performers to explore on their own, developing imagination and an analytical mind in movement research. After the final work, the participant will receive a certificate from Nektan Art for the completed module of Butoh training. For now, participation in the training is based on the principle of required donations by payment to PayPal or Western Union.

This is a unique opportunity and places are limited in each group. If you like to be part of this program or if you have additional questions, please contact


After you register, in a few days you will receive an e-mail of confirmation.


The mentor on this program is Marco Nektan.

The whole program is build inspired by the process of Alchemy:


Module I a Calcination


In this module, we explore the bases of butoh concentrating on the empty body, switching off our daily Ego, the process of birth, inner child, mundane movement, and transformation of self. 

After the student finishes module I a, he/she will be offered to participate in the next module. 


Module Ib Dissolution and Separation


In this module we explore the elementary practice of butoh, concentrating on topics like listening to your body; dance with Shadows, Spirits, Demons, and Gods – researching the archetypes of the inner universe... 

The one who completes this module can go to the next one.


Module Ic Conjuction and Fermentation


In this module we explore the intermediate practice of butoh, focusing on the next topics: Animus / Anima; Essence; Face / Grotesque; Death; Siccness... 

The one who completes this module can go to the next one.


Module Id Distillation 


In this module, we explore the advanced practice of butoh, exploring the resonance – dancing with utter forces. 


Module I was exploring the butoh practice and Module II is researching the form. Those who are already dancers or choreographers, or just curious to learn how to build the form of butoh performance and choreography can apply to participate in this module. They don't have to finish the previous program.


Module II Coagulation


In this module we explore choreography and dramaturgy of butoh, putting our movement research in the form of performance-ready for presentation in front of an audience. 


as a part of this program there is another module for which is not required to finish the previous parts of the program:


Module III Projection


In this module, we study the production of butoh performance and dancers life. This module will explore the questions like: costume and makeup, scenography, theater and venues, marketing, fundraising, project application, PR, post-production – web site, network, application for festivals, portfolio, and CV... 


A student who completes all modules can apply for an internship in which he/she will assist the mentor for a year and slowly taking over the parts of the program. After one year of internship, the intern can become a mentor in this program (it is a great opportunity for a future job). Another opportunity is that students can be part of group production of the performance. Cultural Center will organize performance projects occasionally (every 6 months), live or online. Performers don't need to finish all modules.


Here you can see some of our student's final works

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